National Semiconductor
Application Note 302
Charles Carinalli
Mike Evans
The DP8400 Family of
Memory Interface Circuits
February 1986
The DP8409A multi-mode dynamic RAM controller/driver
was the first controller to resolve all of these problems. This
Schottky bipolar device provides the flexibility of external
access control, along with automatic access timing genera-
tion, without the need for an external timing generator clock.
In addition, on-board capacitive drivers allow direct drive for
over 88 DRAMs. With the simple addition of refresh clocks,
the circuit can perform hidden refresh automatically. It is the
DP8409A design that has been used as the spring board for
a whole family of controllers with faster speed performance
while maintaining maximum pin upgrade compatibility.
The rapid development in dynamic random access memory
(DRAM) chip storage capability, coupled with significant
component cost reductions, has allowed designers to build
large memory arrays with high performance specifications.
However, the development of memory arrays continues to
have a common set of problems generated by the complex
timing and refresh requirements of DRAMs. These include:
how to quickly drive the memories to take advantage of their
speed, minimization of board space required by the support
circuitry and the need for error detection and correction.
Unfortunately, these problems must be addressed with each
new system design. Full system solutions will vary greatly,
depending on the DRAM array size, memory speed, and the
All Control On-Chip
Figure 1 is a block diagram of the DP8409A. the ADS input
strobes the parallel memory address into the row latches
R0–8, the column latches C0–8, and bank select B0 and
B1. The nine output drivers may be multiplexed between the
row or column input latches, or the 9-bit on-chip refresh
counter. One of four RAS outputs is selected during an ac-
cess cycle by setting the bank select inputs B0 or B1. All
four RAS outputs are active during refresh. Either external
or automatic control is available on-chip for the CAS output,
while an on-chip buffer is provided to minimize skew associ-
ated with WE output generation.
This application note introduces a complete family of DRAM
support circuits that provides a straightforward solution to
the above problems while allowing a high degree of flexibili-
ty in application with little or no performance penalty. The
DP8400 family (Table I) includes DRAM controllers, error
detection/correction circuits, octal address buffers and sys-
tem control circuits. The LSI blocks are designed with flex-
ible interfaces, making application possible with all existing
DRAMs including the recently announced 1 Mbit devices.
Additionally, interface is easy to all popular microprocessors
with memory word widths possible from 8 to 80 bits.
All DRAM address and control outputs on the DP8409A can
directly drive in excess of 500 pF, or the equivalent of 88
DRAMs (4 banks of 22 DRAMs). All output drivers are
closely matched, significantly reducing output skew. Each
output stage has symmetrical high and low logic level drive
capability, insuring matched rise and fall time characteris-
TABLE I. DP8400 Family Members
16 and 32 Bit Error
Flexibility and Upgradability to 256k or 1 Mbit DRAMs
DP8408A, DP8409A,
DP8417, DP8418,
DRAM Controller/Drivers
The 9 multiplexed address outputs and 9-bit internal refresh
counter of the DP8409A direct addressing capability for
256k DRAMs. Careful design of memory boards, using 64k
DRAMs with the DP8409A, insures direct upgradability to
256k DRAMs. This can be done by simply allowing for board
address extension by two bits and designing the ninth ad-
dress trace (Q8) of the DP8409A to connect to pin 1 of the
DRAMs (A8). This is, in general, a non-connected pin in
64ks and the ninth address in 256ks. All that need be done
is to remove the 64ks and replace them with 256ks, thereby
increasing the memory on the same board by a 4 to 1 ratio.
The resulting development cost saving can be significant.
DP8419, DP8428, DP8429
DP8420, DP84244
DRAM Buffer Drivers
Interface Circuits
The heart of any DRAM array design is the controller func-
tion. Previous LSI controllers supplied a minimum function
of address multiplexing with an on-board refresh counter.
This required external delay line timing and logic to control
memory access, additional logic to perform memory refresh,
and external drivers to drive the capacitive memory array.
The complete solution results in significant access delay in
relation to DRAM speeds and skews in output sequencing,
as well as a large component count.
Although the new 1 Mbit DRAMs require the larger 18 pin
package, which will require a memory board redesign, up-
grading the controller portion of the board may need no
redesign when converting from the DP8409A or DP8419 to
the new DP8429 1 Mbit DRAM controller driver.
Three mode pins (M0, M1 and M2) offer externally select-
able modes of operation, a key reason for the DP8409A’s
application flexibility (Table II). The operational modes are
divided between external and automatic memory control.
A previous LSI solution brought much of this logic on-chip.
However, it is limited in application to certain microproces-
sors and has the disadvantage of all access timing originat-
ing from an external clock, whose phase uncertainty gener-
ates a delay in actually knowing when an access has start-
1995 National Semiconductor Corporation
RRD-B30M115/Printed in U. S. A.
FIGURE 2. Typical Application of DP8409A Using External Control and Refresh in Modes 0 and 4
FIGURE 3. This figure demonstrates the automatic accessing capability of the DP8409A. Only one strobing edge,
RASIN, is required for generation of all DRAM access timing signals. This is accomplished with on-chip
delay generators, eliminating the need for external delay lines. No access timing clock is necessary.
curred, via the refresh request output (RF I/O pin). The sys-
tem acknowledges the request for a forced refresh by set-
ting M2 (refresh) low on the DP8409A and preventing fur-
ther access to the DP8409A. The DP8409A then uses
RGCK to generate an automatic forced refresh. The refresh
request pin then returns to the inactive state, and the
DP8409A allows the processor to take full system control
after the forced refresh has been completed.
The DP8409A also provdes hidden refresh capability while
in one of the automatic access modes (Figure 4). In this
mode, it will automatically perform a refresh without the sys-
tem being interrupted. To do this, the DP8409A requires two
clock signals, refresh clock (RFCK) which defines the re-
fresh period (usually 16 ms), and RAS generator clock
(RGCK), which is typically the microprocessor clock.
Highest priority is given to hidden refreshing through use of
level sensing of RFCK. A refresh cycle begins when RFCK
transitions to a high level. If during the time RFCK is high the
DP8409A is deselected (CS in the high state) and the proc-
essor is accessing another portion of the system such as
another memory segment, or ROM, or a peripheral, then a
hidden refresh is performed. When a read or write cycle is
initiated by the processor, the RASIN input on the DP8409A
transitions low. With CS high, this causes the present state
of the internal refresh counter to be placed on the address
outputs, followed by the four RAS outputs transitioning low,
strobing the refresh address into the DRAM array. When the
cycle ends, RASIN will terminate, thus forcing the RAS out-
puts back to their inactive state and ending the hidden re-
fresh. The refresh counter is then incremented and another
microprocssor cycle can begin immediately. However, to
save power, the DP8409A will allow only one hidden refresh
to occur during a given RFCK cycle.
For those applications where the memory array is extremely
large or the controller design is unique to a particular appli-
cation requirement, specialized high capacitive load ad-
dress and control buffers are required. However, like any
other element in a DRAM system, selection of the improper
driver can have significant impact on system performance.
In the past, this function has been performed using Schottky
logic family circuits such as the DM74S240 octal inverter or
the DM74S244 octal buffer. The output stages of these de-
vices have good drive capability, but their performance with
heavy capacitive loads is not ideal for DRAM arrays. The
key disadvantage of these devices is their non-symmetrical
rise and fall time characteristics and their long propagation
delays with heavy load capacitance. The former is a result
of impedance mismatch in the upper and lower output
stages. The latter stems from process capability and circuit
design techniques not tailored to the DRAM application.
The combined result of all these factors is increased output
skew in address and control lines when these devices are
used as buffers.
In the event that a hidden refresh does not occur, the
DP8409A must force a refresh before the RFCK’s next
positive-goingtransition. Thesystemisnotifiedafterthenega-
tive-going RFCK transition that a hidden refresh has not oc-
FIGURE 4. Hidden and Forced Refresh Timing of the DP8409A
Two new devices are now available for this application. The
DP84240 is pin and function compatible with the
DM74S240. The DP84244 is likewise compatible with the
DM74S244. However, this is where the similarity between
the devices ends. Both the DP84240 and the DP84244
have been designed specifically to drive DRAM arrays. Fig-
ure 5 shows a typical application of the DP84244, used in
conjunction with the DP8409A, to drive a very large memory
with this high speed, chip power dissipation is still main-
tained at a reasonable level as demonstrated by the graphs
shown in Figures 7a, 7b of power versus frequency.
The DP84240 and the DP84244 are fabricated on a high
performance oxide-isolated Schottky bipolar process. Spe-
cial circuit techiques have been used to minimize internal
delays and skews. Additionally, both rise and fall time char-
acteristics track closely as a function of load capacitance.
This has been accomplished through impedance matching
of the upper and lower output stages. The result of these
characteristics is a substantial reduction of skew in both the
address and control lines to the DRAM array.
Figures 6a, 6b show some typical performance curves for
these circuits. Note that, at over 500 pF, the propagation
delay through these drivers is on the order of 15 ns. This
delay includes propagation delay and rise or fall time. Even
FIGURE 5. The DP84244 Used as a Buffer in a Large Memory Array (greater than 88 DRAMs) Controlled by the DP8409A
FIGURE 6a. t
Measured to 2.7V on Output vs. C
FIGURE 6b. t Measured to 0.8V on Output vs. C
through these driversÐa delay not shown by the data sheet
specifications. Additionally, the problem becomes increas-
ingly severe as multiple driver inputs are used in parallel for
bus expansion applications.
Both the DP84240 and the DP84244 are designed to signifi-
cantly reduce both static and dynamic input capacitance.
When these devices are driven with standard logic circuits,
no appreciable overhead delay need be added to the basic
device delay specifications due to input pulse distortion.
The determination of whether a DRAM system requires er-
ror correction must be resolved early in the system design.
A positive answer to this question may have far-reaching
impact on board development time and component cost. It
is clear, however, that such a decision cannot be taken
FIGURE 7a. Typical Power Dissipation for DP84240 at
5.5V (All 8 drivers switching simultaneously)
The type and origin of errors in DRAM systems are many
and can result from a number of sources (Table III). Current
estimates of soft error rates due to alpha particles in 64k
RAMs indicate some hope that these error rates will be simi-
lar or possibly better than those found in 16k DRAMsÐbut
the facts are still somewhat unclear. However, it is clear that
the use of 256k DRAMs and the introduction in the near
future of 1 Mbit DRAMs with even smaller memory cells and
greater chip densities will place a significant challenge on
DRAM chip designers to keep these rates down. It is be-
lieved by some that error correction may become mandato-
ry in future DRAM system designs. Currently, the decision to
add error correction is not so straightforward. It depends on
many factors, not the least of which is the end user’s per-
ception of its value to system uptime and reliability.
FIGURE 7b. Typical Power Dissipation for DP84244 at
5.5V (All 8 drivers switching simultaneously)
TABLE III. The Sources and Types of Memory Errors
The output stages of the DP84240 and the DP84244, al-
though well matched, are relatively low impedance. Output
impedance is under 10X. Some DRAM arrays will require
the addition of damping resistors in series with the outputs
of the drivers. These damping resistors are used to minimize
undershoot which may have a harmful effect on the DRAMs
if allowed to become large. This undershoot is caused by
the high transient currents from the drivers necessary to
drive the capacitive loads. These high currents pass through
System Action
Alpha Particles
System Noise
Chip Patterns
Power Glitches
Temporary system errorÐ
may be overwritten with a
low probability of repetition
Stuck Memory Bit
Permanent failureÐmay
act as logic 1 or 0
a distributed inductive/capacitive circuit created by the
board traces and the DRAM load, causing the undershoot.
Hard Memory Chip Interface
Interface Circuit Failure
The damping resistor has specifically not been placed on-
chip because its value is dependent on the DRAM array size
and board layout. In fact, address lines will quite often re-
quire a different resistor value from the DRAM control lines.
The resistor must be tuned for a particular board layout
since too high a resistor will produce an excessively slow
edge and too low a resistor will not remove the udershoot.
Values for damping resistors may vary from 15X to 150X,
depending on the application. Placing any value of damping
resistor on-chip, other than a value less than the minimum,
severely restricts the application of these high performance
Generally, error correction will always be found in highly reli-
able systems during DRAMs, such as process control equip-
ment, banking terminals, and military systems where high
data integrity and minimum downtime are priorities. Howev-
er, the importance of error correction has grown substantial-
ly, to the point that it is now used as selling feature in the
vast majority of large memory-based systems. In fact, some
major computer houses have adopted quidelines for use by
their designers in the development of DRAM arrays. A
somewhat common set has been foundÐif the memory ar-
ray is on the order of (/4 million bytes, then word parity
should be used. This permits the detection of single bit er-
rors but does not allow error correction. When the total
memory approaches (/2 million bytes, then double bit error
detection and single bit error correction should be added.
Another key advantage of both the DP84240 and the
DP84244 is their low input capacitance. Previous address
buffer/drivers (such as the DM74S240/244) have high input
capacitance. Fast edges at the inputs of these drivers be-
come slower and distorted due to this dynamic input capaci-
tance. This problem must be factored as an additional delay
The decision to add error correction to a system is costly,
both in memory overhead and control hardware. Table IV
TABLE IV. Check Bit Overhead for Multiple Bit Error
Detection and Single Bit Error Correction
to 80-bit data words. It is a 16-bit chip that is easily expand-
able with the simple addition of more DP8400s for each 16-
bit word increment.
Number of Bits
in Memory
Number of
Check Bits
of Excess
Figures 9a, 9b and 9c demonstrate its basic operation in the
write and read memory access cycles. Figure 9a shows the
normal write cycle, where system data is used by the
DP8400 to generate parity bits, called check bits, based on
certain combinations of the data bits. This combination is
defined by the DP8400’s matrix shown in Figure 10. When-
ever a ‘‘1’’ occurs in any row, the corresponding input data
bit at the top of the column helps determine the parity for
that check bit labeled at the end of the row. These check
bits are written along with the data at the same memory
address. Also, during a memory write cycle the DP8400
checks system byte parity. This is parity associated with the
data bytes transmitted between the processor and the
memory card. This is an optional feature that may prove
very valuable in multiple board memory systems.
Data Word
6 (7)
25% (29%)
7 (8)
15% (17%)
Note: The number stated assumes the use of the DP8400; the number in
parentheses is required by other error correction circuits.
lists the number of additional memory chips required to sup-
port single bit error correction and double bit error detection
as a function of the memory data word width.
Sometime later a read will occur at this same memory ad-
dress. The reading of memory data may be performed in
two ways, as shown in Figures 9b and 9c. In the read cycle,
the DP8400 uses the data read from memory and internally
regenerates check bits using the same matrix. These newly
generated check bits are then compared (using X-OR
gates) with the check bits read from memory to detect er-
rors. The result of this comparison is called a syndrome
word. Any differences in the generated versus read check
bits will result in at least one syndrome bit true. This indi-
cates an error in either the read data or check bit field or
This table also shows the percentage of DRAM overhead
required to implement this function. Adding error correction
also increases the memory access delay, since the informa-
tion contained in the overhead chips must be analyzed in
each read and generated in each write operation.
DP8400 16-Bit Expandable Error Correction Chip
The DP8400 expandable error checker/corrector is shown
in block diagram form in Figure 8. This circuit offers a high
degree of flexibility in applications which range from 8-bit
FIGURE 8. DP8400 Simplified Block Diagram
FIGURE 9a. Normal Write Mode with DP8400
FIGURE 9b. Normal Read Mode Using the Error Monitoring Method with the DP8400
FIGURE 9c. Normal Read Mode Using the Always Correct Method with the DP8400
*C2, C3 generate odd parity
FIGURE 10. DP8400 Matrix
A key advantage of the DP8400 is that it has three error
flags detailing the type of error occurrence. These are gen-
erated using the syndrome word in the manner shown in
Figure 11. The resulting error type identifications are shown
in Table V. The three error flags allow complete error type
identification, plus the unique determination of double bit
errors, which will be key during the discussion of double bit
error correction. Also, on a memory read, the DP8400 gen-
erates byte parity bits for transmission to the processor
along with the data.
Double Bit Error Correct
The probability of double bit errors in DRAM systems is rela-
tively low, but as memory array sizes grow, the occurrence
of these error types must be considered. Adopting certain
practices, such as rewriting a memory location whenever an
error is detected, or using ‘‘memory scrubbing’’ techniques,
can significantly reduce the probability of a double soft error
occurrence. Memory scrubbing is when the system, during
low usage, actually accesses memory solely for the purpose
of identifying and correcting single soft errors. This is an
important technique if there are segments of the memory
that are not always being accessed so that soft error occur-
rences would not be quickly found.
The occurrence of a double error comprising one soft and
one hard must now be considered. This type of error has a
higher probability than two soft errors. The hard error may
be due to a catastrophic chip failure, and a subsequent soft
error will create two errors. This can be a source of concern
since most error correction chips cannot handle double er-
rors of this type. Therefore, most systems will ‘‘crash’’ when
a catastrophic chip failure is coupled with a soft error in the
same memory address.
The DP8400 has been designed to handle just such an oc-
currence. It can correct any double bit error, as long as at
least one of the errors is a hard error. The DP8400 does this
without the need for extra hardware required for the basic
double bit detect/single bit correct system implementation.
This method is called the double complement correct tech-
nique and is demonstrated in Figure 12 using a 4-bit data
word for simplicity. In this example, a single hard error is
located in the most significant bit of a particular memory
location and a soft error occurs at the next bit. The position
of the errors is not important since the errors may be distrib-
uted in either the data or check bit field or both. First, the
data word and corresponding check bits are written to this
memory location. When a later read of this location occurs,
step A, two errors are directly reported by the DP8400 error
flags. The system detects this, disables memory; and places
the DP8400 in the complement write mode. This causes the
previously read data and check bits to be complemented in
the DP8400 and written back to the same memory address,
step B, writing over the previous soft error. Obviously this
does not modify the cell where the hard error exits. The
system then reads from the same address again, but this
time it places the DP8400 in the complement read mode,
step C. The DP8400 again complements the memory data
and check bits and generates new check bits based on the
new data word. At this point, the chip detects a single bit
error in the bit position where the soft error occurred, and
using the conventional single error correction procedure, re-
turns corrected data to the system, step D.
TABLE V. Error Flags after Normal Read
Error Type
No Error
Single Check Bit Error
Single Data Error
Double-Bit Error
All Others
Invalid Conditions
There are two basic memory read methods that may be
used with the DP8400. The first is shown in Figure 9b and is
called the error monitoring method. Here, the read data is
assumed to be correct and the processor immediately acts
on the data. If the DP8400 detects an error, the processor is
interrupted using the any error flag (AE). Using this method,
there is no detection delay in most memory reads since
errors seldom occur, but when an error does occur, the
processor must be capable of accepting an interrupt and a
read cycle extension to obtain the corrected data from the
In the second read, the complement read, the hard error
repeats since this bit location again receives a bit which is
complemented with respect to itself. But the soft error has
been overwritten and does not repeat. Effectively, the mem-
ory has complemented the hard bit error position twice and
the soft bit error position only once, while the DP8400 com-
plements both positions twice. Therefore, after the second
read, there is only one error left, the soft error. Since this is
now a single error it can be directly corrected.
A second approach is called the always correct method,
Figure 9c. In this case, the data is always assumed to be in
error and the processor always waits for the DP8400 to ana-
lyze whether an error exits. Then the corrected or un-
changed data is read from the DP8400. Although this meth-
od results in longer memory read time, every memory read
will always be of the same delay except when a double error
occurs. The selection of which method to use depends on
many factors, including the processor, system structure,
and performance.
After the complement correct cycle, the memory must be
rewritten with the corrected data since the address now
contains data that is complemented. Full error reporting is
available from the DP8400 after the second read, the com-
plement read, of memory. This is shown in Table VI.
ice. Using this technique, software may be provided in the
system to warn the operator that the system is in a degrad-
ed operational mode and that field service should occur
shortly. In the meantime, the system will continue to operate
properly. The key to the effectiveness of the DP8400 in this
application is its three error flags which allow complete error
reportingÐincluding a unique double error indication.
This method is a very effective tool to avoid system crash
due to memory chip failure, and can do much to reduce
unscheduled field service calls. The only time the system
will see a double error that is not directly correctable is
when a double soft error occurs. The probability of this is
very low if the previously discussed techniques are used.
The extra time taken to do an additional read and write of
memory is insignificant when the alternative is a system that
has a catastrophic failure that requires immediate field serv-
DP8402A, 3, 4, 5 32-Bit Error Detector and Corrector
In addition to the popular DP8400-2 16-bit error checker/
corrector, National offers a family of 32-bit Error Detector
and Correctors (EDACs). With
DP8402A, 3, 4, function in
a few exceptions, the
similar manner to the
DP8400-2. One major exception is that the DP8402A, 3, 4, 5
are not expandable beyond 32 bits.
FIGURE 12. Double Error Correct Complement Hard Error
MethodÐ1 Hard Error and 1 Soft Error in Data Bits
TABLE VI. DP8400 Error Flags after a Complement Read
AE E1 E0
Error Type
Two Hard Errors
One Hard Error, One Soft Check Bit Error
One Hard Error, One Soft Data Bit Error
Two Soft Errors, Not Corrected
This system structure requires the insertion of few or no wait
states during memory access cycle, thus maximizing
The major 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit microprocessors have dif-
ferent control signal timing. There are also a number of
speed options. The DP8400 family was designed, not for a
specific microprocessor, but rather, significant control flexi-
bility has been provided on both the DP84XX DRAM control-
ler/drivers and the DP84XX error correction devices for
easy interface to any microprocessor. However, a certain
amount of ‘‘glue’’ is necessary to interface to these LSI cir-
cuits, usually in the form of a number of MSI/SSI logic cir-
cuits. Not only can this be costly in board space utilization,
but it is usually the one place where the most design related
problems occur in system development.
throughput. The DP84XX2 circuits have been designed to
work with all of National’s DRAM controller/drivers to con-
trol refreshing so that system throughput is affected only
when absolutely necessary. First, in any refresh clock peri-
od of 16 ms, hidden refreshing is given maximum opportuni-
ty. This can be helped with the optional DP84300 refresh
interval generator which offers maximum high-to-low ratio-
ing of RFCK. Second, when a hidden refresh does not occur
in a particular RFCK cycle, a forced refresh may still not
affect a slow access cycle. The worst-case is when an ac-
cess is pending during a forced refresh, in which case a
three wait state delay is usually the maximum penalty.
Figures 13 and 14 show the DP8400 family solution to this
problemÐthe DP84XX2 series of microprocessor interface
circuits. Figure 13 shows how the DP84300 refresh timer
and the DP84XX2 microprocessor interface circuit connect
to the DP8409A and various microprocessors for a typical
application. Figure 14 shows the DP8409A and the DP8400
together in a microprocessor-based memory system using
DRAMs, with double bit error detect and single bit error cor-
rect capability. In addition, it shows that with the simple ad-
dition of some standard data buffers, how the system can
implement byte writing to the DRAM array.
Usually two DP84XX2 type chips would be required to inter-
face between any microprocessor and the DP8400/
DP8409A combined system. These chips would handle the
read/write control as well as error detection and correction
control. Table VII shows the individual DP84XX2 circuits
that would be used in systems with no error correction, thus
requiring only the DP84XX DRAM controller/driver function.
FIGURE 13. Connecting the DP8409A between 16-Bit Microprocessor and Memory
The DP8400 DRAM interface family provides complete solu-
tions to memory support. This begins with the LSI functions
such as the DP8400 expandable error checker/corrector
and the DP8409A DRAM controller/driver. It continues with
the DP84240 and the DP84244 high performance buffer/
drivers. Finally, it concludes with easy interface to popular
microprocessors with the use of the DP84XX2 series. It is
the first family of DRAM support circuits designed
for universal applications with multiple microprocessors,
with no manufacturers CPU enjoying a favorite role.
Data sheets and more detailed application information are
available for all the members of the DP8400 family. Contact
your local National Semiconductor representative or Nation-
al Semiconductor directly.
FIGURE 14. Flexible Application of the DP8409A and DP8400.
This Figure Shows an Application with a 16-Bit Microprocessor.
TABLE VII. The DP84300 Series of Interface
Circuits for Various 16-Bit Microprocessors
System Using
DP84XX DRAM Controller/Driver
National & TI
Series 32000
National & TI
Series 32332
DP84322 or
(2) 74S64
(1) 74S04
1. Life support devices or systems are devices or
systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant
into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose
failure to perform, when properly used in accordance
with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can
be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury
to the user.
2. A critical component is any component of
support device or system whose failure to perform can
be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life
support device or system, or to affect its safety or
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