OperatiOn and parts Manual
MOdel ss233
subMersible puMp
Revision #2 (03/22/10)
To find the latest revision of this
publication, visit our website at:
pn: 020954
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SS233 SubmerSible pump • operaTion and parTS manual — rev. #2 (03/22/10) — page 3
safety infOrMatiOn
Do not operate or service the equipment before reading
the entire manual. Safety precautions should be followed
at all times when operating this equipment.
Failure to read and understand the safety
messages and operating instructions could
result in injury to yourself and others.
Potential hazards associated with the operation of this
equipment will be referenced with hazard symbols which
may appear throughout this manual in conjunction with
safety messages.
Safety Hazard
SaFeTY meSSageS
Rotating parts hazards
The four safety messages shown below will inform you
about potential hazards that could injure you or others.The
safety messages specifically address the level of exposure
to the operator and are preceded by one of four words:
danger,Warning, CauTion or noTiCe.
Electric shock hazards
SaFeTY SYmbolS
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
Will result in deaTH or SeriouS inJurY.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
Could result in deaTH or SeriouS inJurY.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
Could result in minor or moderaTe inJurY.
Addresses practices not related to personal injury.
page 4 — SS233 SubmerSible pump • operaTion and parTS manual — rev. #2 (03/22/10)
safety infOrMatiOn
general SaFeTY
This equipment should only be operated by trained and
qualified personnel 18 years of age and older.
never operate this equipment without proper protective
clothing, shatterproof glasses, respiratory protection,
hearing protection, steel-toed boots and other protective
devices required by the job or city and state regulations.
Whenever necessary, replace nameplate, operation and
safety decals when they become difficult read.
Manufacturer does not assume responsibility for any
accident due to equipment modifications. Unauthorized
equipment modification will void all warranties.
never use accessories or attachments that are not
recommended by Multiquip for this equipment. Damage
to the equipment and/or injury to user may result.
Avoid wearing jewelry or loose fitting clothes that may
snag on the controls or moving parts as this can cause
serious injury.
alWaYS know the location of the nearest
fire extinguisher.
never operate this equipment when not
feeling well due to fatigue, illness or when
under medication.
alWaYS know the location of the nearest
first aid kit.
never operate this equipment under the
influence of drugs or alcohol.
alWaYS know the location of the nearest phone or keep
a phone on the job site. Also, know the phone numbers
of the nearest ambulance,doctor and fire department.
This information will be invaluable in the case of an
alWaYS clear the work area of any debris, tools, etc.
that would constitute a hazard while the equipment is
in operation.
No one other than the operator is to be in the working
area when the equipment is in operation.
do noT use the equipment for any purpose other than
its intended purposes or applications.
SS233 SubmerSible pump • operaTion and parTS manual — rev. #2 (03/22/10) — page 5
safety infOrMatiOn
pump SaFeTY
do noT pump water greater than 104º F.
do noT pump liquids containing acid or alkali.
alWaYS check strainer before pumping. Make sure
strainer is not clogged. Remove any large objects, dirt
or debris from the strainer to prevent clogging.
explosion or fire could result causing severe
bodily harm or even death.
alWaYS use a large basket strainer when pumping
water that contains large debris.
This can result in electrical shock or electrocution.
alWaYS flush pump (clean) after use when pumping
water concentrated with heavy debris.It is very important
to always flush the pump before turning it off to prevent
Accidental starting can cause severe injury
or death. alWaYS place the ON/OFF
switch in the OFF position.
Fix damage to machine and replace any broken parts
do noT place hands or fingers inside
pump when pump is running.
alWaYS store equipment properly when it is not being
used.Equipment should be stored in a clean, dry location
out of the reach of children and unauthorized personnel.
never disconnect any emergency or
safety devices. These devices are intended for operator
safety.Disconnection of these devices can cause severe
injury, bodily harm or even death. Disconnection of any
of these devices will void all warranties.
never lubricate components or attempt service on a
running machine.
alWaYS allow the machine a proper amount of time to
cool before servicing.
Keep machine in proper running condition.
eleCTriCal SaFeTY
do noT restrict the flow of the discharge hose as it may
cause overheating.
Be careful of discharge whipping under pressure.
The electrical voltage required to operate
pump can cause severe injury or even death
through physical contact with live circuits.
ALWAYS disconnect electrical power from
pump before performing maintenance on
alWaYS place the pump in an upright position on a
platform before using.The platform will prevent the pump
frowm burrowing itself on soft sand or mud.
never operate pump on its side.
do noT allow up to freeze in water.
never leave an open pump chamber unattended.
alWaYS keep the machine in proper running condition.
alWaYS make certain that the voltage supplied to the
pump is correct. Always read the pump’s nameplate to
determine what the power requirements are.
do noT attempt to thaw-out a frozen pump by using
a torch or other source of flame. Application of heat in
this manner may heat the oil in the seal cavity above the
critical point, causing pump damage.
page 6 — SS233 SubmerSible pump • operaTion and parTS manual — rev. #2 (03/22/10)
safety infOrMatiOn
power Cord/Cable Safety
liFTing SaFeTY
never let power cords or cables lay in water.
When raising or lowering of the pump is required, always
attach an adequate rope or lifting device to the correct
lifting point (handle) on the pump.
never use damaged or worn cables or cords. Inspect
for cuts in the insulation.
never grab or touch a live power
cord or cable with wet hands. The
possibility exists of electrical shock,
electrocution or death.
do noT lift machine to unnecessary heights.
never lift the equipment while the engine is running.
TranSporTing SaFeTY
Make sure power cables are securely connected to the
motor's output receptacles. Incorrect connections may
cause electrical shock and damage to the motor.
alWaYS shutdown pump before transporting.
alWaYS tie down equipment during transport by
securing the equipment with rope.
never attempt to use the power cord as a lifting or
lowering device for the pump.
environmenTal SaFeTY
alWaYS make certain that proper power or extension
cord has been selected for the job. See Cable Selection
Chart in this manual.
Dispose of hazardous waste properly.
Examples of potentially hazardous waste
are used motor oil, fuel and fuel filters.
grounding Safety
do noT use food or plastic containers to dispose of
hazardous waste.
alWaYS make sure pump is grounded.
do noT pour waste, oil or fuel directly onto the ground,
down a drain or into any water source.
alWaYS make sure that electrical circuits are properly
grounded to a suitable earth ground (ground rod) per
the National Electrical Code (NEC) and local codes
before operating generator. Severe injury or death by
electrocution can result from operating an ungrounded
never use gas piping as an electrical ground.
SS233 SubmerSible pump • operaTion and parTS manual — rev. #2 (03/22/10) — page 7
Table 1. Specifications
Submersible Pump
Suction & discharge Size
2.00 in. (50.8 mm)
60 gallons/minute
(227 liters/minute)
maximum pumping Capacity
5 ft (1.5 meters) 3,318 gallons/hr (12,560 liters/hr)
10 ft (3.0 meters) 2,808 gallons/hr (10,629 liters/hr)
15 ft (4.5 meters) 1,482 gallons/hr (8,358 liters/hr)
20 ft (6.0 meters) 1,482 gallons/hr (5,610 liters/hr)
30 ft (9.1 meters) 300 gallons/hr (1,136 liters/hr)
discharge Height
above pumping level
0.5 HP (0.37kw)
voltage phase
115V 1Ø
Starting amps
running amps
Thermal overlaod protection
power Cable length
dimensions (dia x Height)
dry Weight (Shipping)
dry net Weight
20 ft. (6.096 meters)
8.0 in. (20.3 cm.) x 14.5 in. (36.8 cm.)
16.5 lbs. (7.5 Kg.)
15.5 lbs. (7.0 Kg.)
1. motor rotation — Upon start-up, the pump "kicks" in the opposite direction of motor rotation.The correct rotation is
counter-clockwise (CCW) as viewed from the impeller end of the pump.
Pumps with the "CSA" mark are tested to UL standard
UL778 and certified to CSA standard C22.2 N0. 108.
page 8 — SS233 SubmerSible pump • operaTion and parTS manual — rev. #2 (03/22/10)
general infOrMatiOn
Avoid using this pump in conditions where mud, grit, silt
or other debris are present.These conditions could cause
blockage and cause excessive pump wear.
The SS233 submersible pump is designed to pump water
and is used for the draining (de-watering) of flooded
rooms, drains and fill tanks, power fountains and waterfalls
swimming pool covers, and flat roofs.
do noT install the pump directly into an area where there
is a heavy build-up of mud, grit, silt or debris.If this condition
is present, install the pump on a platform before operating.
A plastic impeller is attached to the output shaft of a 1/2 HP
electric motor which provides adequate power for general
purpose pumping. This submersible pump is supplied
complete with an electric power cable, and a discharge port
located at the top of the pump which accepts a 2-inch hose.
This pump must always be positioned on a platform in an
upright position.never operate the pump by a suspended
rope.To prevent large solids from entering the pump, install
a wire mesh screen or similar barrier around the pump.
If the pump was used to pump water containing mud, silt,
use clean water to flush out the pump after each use.
This pump is ideal for portability because of its light weight
and carrying handle. In addition this pump will pump dry
to 1 inch. Built in overload protection protects the electric
motor from overheating.
do noT allow the pump to run dry, as this will damage the
pump. During maintenance, dry running is permissible but
only for a few seconds.
The pump, when in use, should be installed as free standing
(upright position) on its strainer base. A 2-inch discharge
hose (not supplied) should be connected to the discharge
port located on top of the pump.The discharge hose should
be adequately supported to avoid stress on the pump.
never lift the pump by its electrical power cord. alWaYS
lift the pump by its carrying handle or attached a rope to
carrying handle.
A fully submerged pump in liquid will not freeze, unless
the liquid freezes. do noT allow a partially submerged
pump to freeze. The expansion of water freezing in the
volute may crack the pump, causing expensive repairs. If
there is any danger of the pump being subjected to freezing
temperatures, Lift the pump from water and allow it to drain
For maximum water flow, the discharge hose should be
kept as short as possible and with minimum elevation
above the pump. Remember, as the length and/or height
of the discharge hose is increased, the flow of water will
be reduced. Also, any reduction in the hose size and any
fittings such as valves or outlet nozzles will restrict the
water flow.
If the pump jams or the pump rotor locks for any reason,
disconnect the pump from the power source immediately.
Allowing the pump motor to cycle ON and OFF under an
overload condition can burn out the motor.
To avoid back-siphonage when the pump is switched off,
ensure that the end of the discharge hose is installed above
the water level at the final discharge point.
When the pump is switched off, the water remaining in the
hose will run back through the pump.This can be avoided
by placing a non-return valve in the hose nearest the pump.
When replacement of nuts and bolts is required, use only
recommended parts as referenced in the parts section of
this manual.This pump uses metric threads. do noT use
english measurement threads.
never use this submersible pump to pump flammable
liquids or operate in a explosive or flammable environment.
SS233 SubmerSible pump • operaTion and parTS manual — rev. #2 (03/22/10) — page 9
Figure 1. Submersible Pump Components
Figures 1 shows the location of the basic components
for the SS233 submersible pump. Listed below is a brief
explanation of each component.
5. Strainer base —This strainer base is made of durable
plastic. DO NOT pump large objects or debris with
this pump. This pump is for pumping water only. For
de-watering purposes, always place the strainer base
on a platform.
1. aC power Cable — This unit is supplied with a 20 ft.
(6.1 meters) AC power cable. Always check the cable
for signs of wear.NEVER! use a defective power cable.
Replace the cable immediately if the cable is worn or
6. electric motor — This unit utilizes a single-phase,
115 V, 0.5 HP electric motor. Consult with a licenced
electrician before connecting motor to a power source.
Observe all city and local safety codes.
2. 2-inch npT Fitting — Install this fitting into the
discharge port of the pump
7. volute/impeller — Impellers are constructed of thermo
plastic to minimizes wear and prolong service life.
3. discharge port — Connect a 2" NPT hose to this port.
Remember to adequately support the discharge hose
to avoid stress on the pump.
4. Thermal overload protection — This pump has an
internal thermal overload protection device that will
shut-down the motor in the event of high operating
temperatures.The motor will automatically restart once
the temperature returns to an acceptable operating
page 10 — SS233 SubmerSible pump • operaTion and parTS manual — rev. #2 (03/22/10)
1. Attach a suitable lifting cable (rope) to the carrying
handle (Figure 2) on the pump and lower the pump
into place.For applications where there is an excessive
amount of mud, grit or silt, the use of a support platform
is desirable.When pumping water from swimming pool
type applications where there is little or no debris, the
support platform is not required.
2. Make sure the pump is always placed in an upright
position, not tilted (Figure 3). Never position the pump
directly on a soft, loose bottom. Remember to attain
maximum pumping capacity and prevent excessive
wear, position the pump so it will not burrow itself into
sand or clay.
Figure 3. Submersible Pump Upright Position
3. After the pump has been positioned correctly into place,
power can be applied to the pump's electric motor.
Figure 2. Submersible Pump Upright Position
SS233 SubmerSible pump • operaTion and parTS manual — rev. #2 (03/22/10) — page 11
4. NEVER! grab or touch a live power cord (Figure 4)
with wet hands, the possibility exists of electrical shock,
electrocution and even death.
6. Wait a few seconds and water should begin to flow
from the discharge hose.
7. If water is not flowing from the discharge hose or not
flowing freely after a few minutes, remove the power
from the pump and check the system for leaks.
pump Shut-down/Clean-up
1. Remove the power from the pump by turning off the
circuit breaker or switch that provides power to the
pump.Remember to make sure that hands are dry (not
wet), and feet are not standing in water when removing
or disconnecting power from the pump.
2. Using the lifting rope, lift the pump up from its current
position. Remove the discharge hose from the
discharge port on the pump.
Figure 4. Power Cord (Wet Hands)
3. If the pump was used to pump mud, grit or silt, flush
vigorously with clean water.
never grab or touch a live power cord.do noT stand
in water when connecting the pump's power cord into a
voltage source.The possibility exist of electrical shock,
electrocution and possibly death!
4. Remove the pump from the water. Wipe off any mud
or debris that might have attached itself to the pump.
5. Store pump in a clean dry place away from dirt and
5. If all of the pump's electrical requirements have been
met, insert the power plug (Figure 5) on the pump into
the power source receptace. Make sure the extension
cord is of proper size, seeTable 3. It is recommended
that the pump's power cord be plugged into a GFCI
receptacle to prevent the possibility of electrical shock.
never cut or remove the ground prong from the
pump's AC power cord.
This pump is supplied with a grounding conductor
and a grounding-type attachement plug.To reduce the
possibility of electric shock, make certain that pump
is connected only to a properly grounded receptacle.
Figure 5. Connecting the Power
page 12 — SS233 SubmerSible pump • operaTion and parTS manual — rev. #2 (03/22/10)
Table 2. pumpTroubleshooting
possible problem
Check that proper voltage (115 VAC
1Ø) is being supplied to the pump.
Also check that there is an adequate
amount of current (amps) to run the
pump. Check power source circuit
Incorrect voltage/amps?
Check electrical connections?
Inspect power cord.
Pump Fails To Start
Replace fuse or circuit breaker. Check
cause of blown fuse or tripped circuit
Blown fuse or defective circuit
Disconnect power cord and check
for clogging and improper impeller
clearance. Unclog pump. Check
overload protection device.
Impeller locked?
Lay hose flat un-kinked. Remove clog
from hose line.
Twisted or restricted discharge hose?
Clogged pump strainer?
Clean strainer.
Use a voltmeter to check voltage
while pump is energized.Voltage must
be within 10%. Check power source
(no load and load). If an extension
cord is used, make sure it has
adequate current-carrying capacity for
the required length.
Pump Fails to Deliver Full Output
Low voltage?
Table 3. Cable Selection (60 Hz, Single phase operation)
load in Watts maximum allowable Cable length
Current in
115 vaC
#10 Wire
1000 ft.
500 ft.
350 ft.
250 ft.
150 ft.
125 ft.
#12 Wire
600 ft.
300 ft.
200 ft.
150 ft.
100 ft.
75 ft.
#14 Wire
375 ft.
200 ft.
125 ft.
100 ft.
65 ft.
#16 Wire
250 ft.
125 ft.
100 ft.
50 ft.
CAUTION: Equipment damage can result from low voltage.
SS233 SubmerSible pump • operaTion and parTS manual — rev. #2 (03/22/10) — page 13
explanatiOn Of COde in reMarks COluMn
The following section explains the different symbols and
QTY. Column
remarks used in the Parts section of this manual. Use the
help numbers found on the back page of the manual if there
are any questions.
numbers used — Item quantity can be indicated by a
number, a blank entry, or A/R.
A/R (As Required) is generally used for hoses or other
parts that are sold in bulk and cut to length.
The contents and part numbers listed in the parts
section are subject to change without notice.Multiquip
does not guarantee the availability of the parts listed.
A blank entry generally indicates that the item is not sold
separately.Other entries will be clarified in the“Remarks”
Sample parTS liST
remarKS Column
no. parT no. parT name
QTY. remarKS
Some of the most common notes found in the“Remarks”
Column are listed below. Other additional notes needed
to describe the item can also be shown.
BOLT......................1 .....INCLUDES ITEMS W/%
WASHER, 3/8 IN....1 .....MQ-45T ONLY
2% 12347
HOSE ..................A/R ...MAKE LOCALLY
BEARING ..............1 .....S/N 2345B AND ABOVE
assembly/Kit — All items on the parts list with the
same unique symbol will be included when this item is
no. Column
Indicated by:
unique Symbols — All items with same unique
“INCLUDES ITEMS W/(unique symbol)”
(@, #, +, %, or >) in the number column belong to the
same assembly or kit, which is indicated by a note in the
“Remarks” column.
Serial number break — Used to list an effective serial
number range where a particular part is used.
Indicated by:
duplicate item numbers — Duplicate numbers indicate
multiple part numbers, which are in effect for the same
general item, such as different size saw blade guards in
use or a part that has been updated on newer versions
of the same machine.
Specific model number use — Indicates that the part
is used only with the specific model number or model
number variant listed. It can also be used to show a
part is NOT used on a specific model or model number
When ordering a part that has more than one item
number listed, check the remarks column for help in
determining the proper part to order.
Indicated by:
parT no. Column
numbers used — Part numbers can be indicated by a
number, a blank entry, or TBD.
“make/obtain locally” — Indicates that the part can
be purchased at any hardware shop or made out of
available items.Examples include battery cables, shims,
and certain washers and nuts.
TBD (To Be Determined) is generally used to show a
part that has not been assigned a formal part number
at the time of publication.
“not Sold Separately”— Indicates that an item cannot
be purchased as a separate item and is either part of an
assembly/kit that can be purchased, or is not available
for sale through Multiquip.
A blank entry generally indicates that the item is not sold
separately or is not sold by Multiquip. Other entries will
be clarified in the “Remarks” Column.
page 14 — SS233 SubmerSible pump • operaTion and parTS manual — rev. #2 (03/22/10)
SS233 SubmerSible pump • operaTion and parTS manual — rev. #2 (03/22/10) — page 15
puMp assy.
page 16 — SS233 SubmerSible pump • operaTion and parTS manual — rev. #2 (03/22/10)
puMp assy.
parT no.
parT name
SUBMERSIBLE PUMP......................................1................CONTACT MQ UNIT SALES
SS233 SubmerSible pump • operaTion and parTS manual — rev. #2 (03/22/10) — page 17
terMs and COnditiOns Of sale — parts
5. Parts must be in new and resalable
condition, in the original Multiquip
package (if any), and with Multiquip part
numbers clearly marked.
Multiquip reserves the right to quote and
sell direct to Government agencies, and to
Original Equipment Manufacturer accounts
who use our products as integral parts of their
own products.
paYmenT TermS
Terms of payment for parts are net 30 days.
FreigHT poliCY
6. The following items are not returnable:
All parts orders will be shipped collect or
prepaid with the charges added to the invoice.
All shipments are F.O.B. point of origin.
Multiquip’s responsibility ceases when a
signed manifest has been obtained from the
carrier, and any claim for shortage or damage
must be settled between the consignee and
the carrier.
a. Obsolete parts. (If an item is in the
price book and shows as being
replaced by another item, it is
SpeCial eXpediTing ServiCe
A $35.00 surcharge will be added to the
invoice for special handling including bus
shipments, insured parcel post or in cases
where Multiquip must personally deliver the
parts to the carrier.
b. Any parts with a limited shelf life
(such as gaskets, seals, “O” rings,
and other rubber parts) that were
purchased more than six months
prior to the return date.
limiTaTionS oF Seller’S liabiliTY
minimum order
Multiquip shall not be liable hereunder for
damages in excess of the purchase price of
the item with respect to which damages are
claimed, and in no event shall Multiquip be
liable for loss of profit or good will or for any
other special, consequential or incidental
The minimum charge for orders from Multiquip
is $15.00 net. Customers will be asked for
instructions regarding handling of orders not
meeting this requirement.
c. Any line item with an extended
dealer net price of less than
d. Special order items.
reTurned goodS poliCY
e. Electrical components.
f. Paint, chemicals, and lubricants.
g. Decals and paper products.
h. Items purchased in kits.
Return shipments will be accepted and
credit will be allowed, subject to the following
limiTaTion oF WarranTieS
No warranties, express or implied, are
made in connection with the sale of parts or
trade accessories nor as to any engine not
manufactured by Multiquip. Such warranties
made in connection with the sale of new,
complete units are made exclusively by a
statement of warranty packaged with such
units, and Multiquip neither assumes nor
authorizes any person to assume for it
any other obligation or liability whatever in
connection with the sale of its products. Apart
from such written statement of warranty,
there are no warranties, express, implied or
statutory, which extend beyond the description
of the products on the face hereof.
1. A Returned Material Authorization
must be approved by Multiquip prior to
7. The sender will be notified of any material
received that is not acceptable.
8. Such material will be held for five
working days from notification, pending
instructions. If a reply is not received
within five days, the material will be
returned to the sender at his expense.
2. To obtain a Return Material Authorization,
a list must be provided to Multiquip
Parts Sales that defines item numbers,
quantities, and descriptions of the items
to be returned.
9. Credit on returned parts will be issued
at dealer net price at time of the original
purchase, less a 15% restocking
a. The parts numbers and descriptions
must match the current parts price
b. The list must be typed or computer
10. In cases where an item is accepted, for
which the original purchase document
can not be determined, the price will be
based on the list price that was effective
twelve months prior to the RMA date.
c. The list must state the reason(s)
for the return.
Effective: February 22, 2006
d. The list must reference the sales
order(s) or invoice(s) under
which the items were originally
11. Credit issued will be applied to future
purchases only.
priCing and rebaTeS
e. The list must include the name
and phone number of the person
requesting the RMA.
Prices are subject to change without prior
notice. Price changes are effective on a
specific date and all orders received on or
after that date will be billed at the revised price.
Rebates for price declines and added charges
for price increases will not be made for stock
on hand at the time of any price change.
3. AcopyoftheReturnMaterialAuthorization
must accompany the return shipment.
4. Freight is at the sender’s expense. All
parts must be returned freight prepaid to
Multiquip’s designated receiving point.
page 18 — SS233 SubmerSible pump • operaTion and parTS manual — rev. #2 (03/22/10)
SS233 SubmerSible pump • operaTion and parTS manual — rev. #2 (03/22/10) — page 19
OperatiOn and parts Manual
Multiquip Corporate Office
MQ Parts Department
18910 Wilmington Ave.
Carson, CA 90746
Contact: mq@multiquip.com
Tel. (800) 421-1244
Fax (800) 537-3927
Fax: 800-672-7877
Fax: 310-637-3284
Mayco Parts
Warranty Department
Fax: 800-672-7877
Fax: 310-637-3284
800-421-1244, Ext. 279
310-537-3700, Ext. 279
Fax: 310-537-1173
Fax: 310-631-5032
Service Department
Technical Assistance
Fax: 310-537-4259
MQ Cipsa
Multiquip (UK) Limited Head Office
Carr. Fed. Mexico-Puebla KM 126.5
Momoxpan, Cholula, Puebla 72760 Mexico
Contact: pmastretta@cipsa.com.mx
Tel: (52) 222-225-9900
Fax: (52) 222-285-0420
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Fax: 0161 339 3226
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Contact: sales@multiquip.co.uk
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Laval, Quebec, Canada H7L 6V3
Contact: jmartin@multiquip.com
Tel: (450) 625-2244
Tel: (877) 963-4411
Fax: (450) 625-8664
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This manual MUST accompany the equipment at all times.This manual is considered a permanent part of the equipment and should remain with the unit if resold.
The information and specifications included in this publication were in effect at the time of approval for printing. Illustrations, descriptions, references and technical data contained in
this manual are for guidance only and may not be considered as binding. Multiquip Inc. reserves the right to discontinue or change specifications, design or the information published
in this publication at any time without notice and without incurring any obligations.
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